I was wondering if any of you had any thoughts on who was going to be the best player/team in the NBP for the 2004 season. I know it's a bit early, but I would like to know. Please give me your answer before April 2nd, 2004. For the time, I'm leaning towards the Dragons or the Swallows. Teh Tigers are a close third. Thanks for your help!
Sorry, guys...I forgot to add that the player can't be a player, has to be a starter, and has to be active in Japan (no Ichiro, even though, as a Seattleite, he is my personal fav) (and, no, I am not a bandwagon fan). Thanx!
Thanks! Anyone have a Japanese-born position player they think will do really well this year? Any other predictions for teams? If you put a team, tell me the position player you think will make the most difference for them. But still, I need your answers before April 1, or at latest the 2nd.